WoW UI Mod: Cartographer

NagrandBecause I’ve re-introduced myself to World of Warcraft, I’ve also re-introduced myself to modifying (modding) the game interface! As time progresses, I’ll feature mods that I find super useful. First off: Cartographer.

Cartographer is a modular, lightweight, and efficient framework for manipulation of the world map. It is based on Ace2 and other libraries of the Ace community. It features:

  • Battlegrounds : allows viewing of battlegrounds outside of the zone.
  • Coordinates : adds coordinates to the bottom of the world map of the player and the cursor.
  • Foglight : Shows unexplored areas on the map. replacement for MozzFullWorldMap or Unexplorer. Much more efficient, though.
  • Group Colors : turns all your party’s and your raid’s POIs into circles colored based on class, and shows a number on them based on their raid group.
  • Instance Maps : shows maps of instances.
  • Instance Notes : adds boss notes and such to instance maps.
  • Look ‘n’ Feel : allows you to change the transparency, position, and scale of the world map.
  • Notes : lets you put notes on the map.
  • Professions : automatically tracks herbs and minerals.
  • Zone Info : on hovering over a zone, it will show the levels of the zone, the instances in the zone, their levels, and the number of men the instance is made for (e.g. 5-man, 40-man).

The basic map provided with World of Warcraft is severely lacking…heck, there aren’t even coordinates! My previous map solution was Atlas…a great instance map mod, but thats where its usefulness ended…instances. Cartographer is a full blown mod that gives a you all the sweet stuff (see the list).

What’s more? Cartographer is on the WoWAce Wiki with resources for using Cartographer functions for other mods. w00t.


62 responses to “WoW UI Mod: Cartographer”

  1. xviporas Avatar

    is this add on legal?i mean explored map is cool but is it legal according to blizzard?

  2. i got perma banned for using this w/o any warning and with no chance to plead my case.

    turns out they didn’t like the “data farming” part.

    this is the only mod i have ever used and i got banned for it. :(

    there is no number to call and say, ‘listen, i only used it for the map co-ords’;
    just an email addy that never gets responded to.

    if i got banned for something else please let me know – because yes, i am an idiot – and no they never emailed a warning. banned , sorry for the inconvenience, no you cant talk to my supervisor.

    its the only time i was straight told, ‘no, you cant talk to my supervisor.’

  3. Cartographer is perfectly legal. As Blizzard has repeated many many times, if you can do it with LUA using the provided API, IT IS ALLOWED, except for cross-faction communication. This includes the Foglight feature; not only is it permitted, but given that you can go see the full maps on any number of websites, it’s bordering on ridiculous to even think it wouldn’t be allowed. I’m astounded at how many morons are still running around going “omg this mod will get u bannd!” or even ASKING if a mod can get you banned.

    efa, there’s absoutely no way you were permanently banned for using this addon. First, there’s nothing in this addon that violates any rules. It doesn’t do “data farming”. The only data collection it does is through the professions modules, which do exactly the same thing Gatherer has been doing for almost two years. Second, it’s extremely rare to be permanently banned without any prior warnings or suspensions. You’d have to be doing something really stupid like botting or speed hacking, and even then I’m fairly certain they’d at least give you a warning. Third, from what I’ve heard, when you are warned, suspended, banned, etc. you recieve an email with specific details of your offense. If you didn’t get such an email, or you did but it doesn’t make sense, call Blizzard’s 800 number. Yes, they have one. Look around on their website.

    I’m so tired of people claiming they were banned for using an addon. If it isn’t cross-faction communication, if it’s done with LUA through the game API, you weren’t banned for it; you’re just an idiot.

  4. Word to Phanx. Get a grip, efa. If Blizz were going to ban people for making legitimate use of the addon framework THEY provide then how many would have been banned for using Decursive and similar auto-casting addons before Blizz changed the API? Use an ounce of common sense before making stupid posts with ridiculous claims, idiot.

  5. Hello, friends.

    I’m the author of Cartographer.

    It’s a perfectly legal mod, it only uses ingame data and only uses the lua framework provided. There are no third-party programs that need to be run, as well as there not being any cross-faction communication.

    By the way, I’ve been tacking on a few useful features recently (all the while making sure it’s stayed efficient). An example of this is GuildPositions, it’ll let you view the positions of all your guild members who also run Cartographer. I’ve also added a waypoint system to the current Notes system. We’re also pushing more to using on-the-fly generated instance maps instead of pregenerated maps, this has the advantage of giving a much clearer picture as well as being smaller in filesize.

    Re: efa, frankly, I don’t believe you were banned for Cartographer, if you were banned at all. If the GM which banned you specifically named Cartographer, then I’d like you to please contact me on the forum and I’ll pursue the issue further.

  6. Hi. Cartographer isnt tracking my mining nodes. It is enabled. I click about it it says “Stub for loading Cartographer modual addons based on your profession”. Maybe I am just missing some thing but any help would be great. This is also the only mod that I am running.

  7. Dulcenea Avatar

    My mining nodes also are not displaying. I checked and the Professions section is “enabled.” Everything else about cartographer is working great though. Any ideas?

  8. Why cant I find any menu’s for this mod to change the size of map and look at the options? It doesnt attach to DeuceCommander either. If there is a menu how do you open it?

  9. im thinking about getting this mod but want to make completely sure that it is legal.I have read the previous posts and am just wondering that it is 100& legal thanks.

  10. D3monx or should i say dsmoron the programer of cartographer just said it was and blizzard has said so manytime i can’t count on the wow forums so stop being a complet idiot and omg d3 u are the noobs that make outland the best place to hide from noobs like yourself

  11. Hi
    I have mining/herbalism. If I install the addon, can I make it switch from mining to herbalism automatically or what?

    And, if I mine / gather something, will it appear on map?

    Is guild/raid information sharing supported?

    It would be great if someone could answer this questions ;)

  12. thx for the hate.

    but these are the facts.

    i played wow for a little over a month when i was in fact perma banned w/ no email sent/recieved.
    i spent over 5 hours on the phone/hold trying to figure out why.
    the supervisor refused to talk to me.
    the dude on the phone would confirm that an email was sent but would not tell me its contents.

    there may be a phone number for wow – but call em – i dare you; they will tell you that account support is email based only – there is no phone number to ask why you were banned.

    i never got an email – i changed my password to test the automail – and it worked.
    i asked dude to resend on the phone – it never came.

    this add on may not have gotten me banned – but it is the only variable.

    i may not have a grip, but i am far from a total moron.

    the only term i heard the phone guy mumble was data farming.
    mod or no mod – when cyber fascists say you are guilty – you have no options.
    they could have benned me for being left handed – what they say, goes.
    im sure your mod is 99.9% safe – but if the computer wants to fart out a ban, it will.
    its their world – they dont need a reason to ban.

    thx for the hate enjoy cancer.

  13. someone Avatar

    For the record, the emails from blizz don’t tell you what you did to get banned. They are very generic. This was a part of an email response my friend got after he inquired into why he was banned:

    “Regretfully, we are unable to provide any more information regarding this closure than we already have. Further investigation has only shown that the initial closure was justified. While under the control of this party, serious violations of our Terms of Use
    occurred. As you are solely responsible for the actions of any person using your account, the closure of $#&@*&#$ was justified, and will not be reversed. I regret to inform you that any further e-mails regarding this issue will go unanswered. We hope this has cleared up any concerns you may have had and thank you for respecting our position on this matter.”

    So basically they say they detected you did something bad and you are now banned. They give no warning and they don’t double check very often, they just ban. I’m not saying that this mod was the cause for anyone to get banned, but I’m just saying that they don’t elaborate on what you did.

  14. thx someone.

    i wasnt trying to say Fear this Mod.
    i was saying warcraft banbots dont care what you use.
    they ban when they see fit.

  15. Roobios Avatar

    You all better re-read Blizzard’s current policy re: anything that discloses “map” data to enhance/augment game play. I got perma-banned, guilty for using a simple addon, ATLAS. Did research into the EULA and discovered this or ANY addon that compromises “essence” of gameplay can get you banned at Blizzard’s discretion. And no, they don’t respond to email/phone attempts to appeal your ban for whatever reason. “Shut up and Pay up” should Blizzard’s byline.

  16. thats what im talking about.

    thank you Roo.

    their language is so crafty – we are allowed to make add ons – but if we use them – we can get banned. its that simple/lame.

    Section 13(g) of the ToU:
    The use of any “user interface” other than the user interface that is included in the World of Warcraft Software (“Third Party User Interface”) is not recommended by Blizzard Entertainment, and you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Blizzard Entertainment from all claims, damages, and other losses which may arise from your use of a Third Party User Interface. At such time that Blizzard elects to post a list of approved Third-Party User Interfaces on its website, you agree that you will use only those Third-Party User Interfaces approved by Blizzard, and that you will use no other Third-Party User Interfaces in connection with World of Warcraft.

    now i know that language can be tricky. they say “interface” and not “program”.
    that could mean most mods.

    on one hand they say its not “recommended” – (does that mean i can use a diff UI?)
    on the other hand they say we cant use anything other than the official UI.
    if we want to use any add on – we have to check the official list of permitted add ons.

    and just like the Hemp Tax Stamps – the list Does Not Exist. (if it does, please link it here.)

    we will wait forever until “Blizzard elects to post a list of approved Third-Party User Interfaces”

    i will continue to check this site until i see the big APPROVED BY BLIZZARD logo – which also does not exist.

    party one= blizzard.
    party two= me.
    party three= you. (just in case you want to debate what 3rd party means…it doesn’t need to be an exe or dll.)

    and – i know its retarded, there are big sites w/thousands of mods that blizzard links to from their forums.

    its a set up.

    oh –

    “I don’t believe you were banned…at all. If the GM which banned you specifically named Cartographer, then I’d like you to please contact me…”

    wish i could tell you the details. i love writing down log numbers and case reports. unfortunately as i truthfully said, i received no warning – and was even told that they weren’t allowed to talk to me about why i was banned over the phone…and the email still hasn’t come.

    if you think im making this up – i can only let you know that i have better things to do.

    get an APPROVED logo and ill Pay$Money for this add on.

    as far as info as to why i was banned – this is all i got.

    understand that they do not care.
    believe that they craft tricky loopholes.

    see ya in Valhalla.

  17. thx roo xox

    Show me the list of approved add ons.

    Show me a Blizzard approved Logo on your site.

    Show me an official link from the Official Blizz team saying that Cartographer has been approved…show me, and i will PAY MONEY for this addon.

    crafty language… “third party interface” could mean Any Mod. interface does not have to mean exe/dll.

    and btw believe me or not, this was the only info i received as to being banned.

    believe that they do not care.
    believe in the language of loopholes.

    see you in Valhalla

  18. I am just sad when I read this. This addon is completely safe, and efa; You said earlier that they would ban for no reason. Why would Blizzard ban anyone without a reason, when they make the most money ever earned on a game? If they kept banning and banning like you say, they would just waste money even making this game.

    As I can see from what you are writing, you don’t know much about wow. Im sure you are one of the kind who trade accounts to get a “cool” rogue or something. Well, only that little thing- Trading Accounts, Is a reason for Blizzard to ban you. L2p

    And yeah, btw. Awake from Nihilum even use this addon, I’m sure players that got invited to beta-test TBC use illegal addons, Come on.

  19. Umm, no, efa is right about this Zyc. Try reading the eula, they craft the eula like that so that they have a lot of power to get things done. Most of the time they try to only ban blatant violaters, but they will get overzealous on certain occasions. To put it in simpler terms, the eula is to World of Warcraft gamers as the Patriot Act is to American citizens. They don’t need proof, just a slight suspicion.

    To make matters worse, did you know Blizzard’s warden client scans active process threads on your computer to figure out if you are running anything that they would consider bannable? A fair trade I guess, right? In order to play an online game, this online game has to be able to know every intimate detail about your computer from your running processes. I know that’s what I signed up for.

    With 6 million people all buying The Burning Crusade expansion they didn’t waste any kind of money. No, in fact they made boat loads. I know I’m also paying for a subscription, aren’t you? The fact that they BAN suspected violators doesn’t change that fact, and it doesn’t make “waste money even making this game” like you sophomorically suggested.. Like I hinted at, the percentage of wrongfully banned violators is small in comparison to the justly banned ones, but with no way to find out what you’ve done and no means of feedback or mitigation it doesn’t exactly leave a nice taste in your mouth. If you don’t believe me, get banned for harassment or something then try to mitigate it with customer service just to see if you can warrant a response that will keep your sanity intact, they won’t give you the time of day. In addition, I don’t believe you read any of his posts. They have the power to ban for no reason, not that they will necessarily do it. He also never said they keep BANNING and BANNING. He said it happened to him and it can happen to you, but I guess it’s up to the reader to take it out of context.

    Another thing, did efa ever mention trading accounts? It’s so childish to suggest something that has nothing to do with the subject being discussed, but then again, you probably have no idea what I’m talking about. It must be painful to read and understand plain english when there is so many other distracting colors on your computer screen.

  20. Just try learning to understand better what is written in front of you.

    Their message doesn’t say that you may not currently use third-party interface add-ons (and in fact, the ones they publish for the game themselves don’t even appear in the optional list)

    this is copied from one of your HTML quotes (

    The use of any “user interface” other than the user interface that is included in the World of Warcraft Software (“Third Party User Interface”) is not recommended by Blizzard Entertainment, and you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Blizzard Entertainment from all claims, damages, and other losses which may arise from your use of a Third Party User Interface. At such time that Blizzard elects to post a list of approved Third-Party User Interfaces on its website, you agree that you will use only those Third-Party User Interfaces approved by Blizzard, and that you will use no other Third-Party User Interfaces in connection with World of Warcraft.

    Now read this thoroughly. And reference that it is in a section about account fraud and comprimise.

    All it is saying is that some people out there publish UI’s that illegally extract information from you. If you download a UI that does this, Blizzard isn’t responsible for the fact that you had your account information stolen. They don’t currently have a list of accepted 3rd party interface add-ons, but if and when they do produce such a list, (which is unlikely at present) the ones on this list will be the only ones authorized.

    If you can’t see this, I can break it down line by line.

    If you did get your account banned, it could have been for a number of reasons. They will post them in an e-mail (as another one of your links conveniently stated for me), and they can be contacted by phone to find out more information as well.

    I think it is possible you got your account banned, but I think it is also possible that it was done because you had done something that is against the ToS (assumption being that you bought the account, because that’s easier than other offenses to pull off for an instant ban)

    At any rate, either you never read your e-mail thoroughly, or you are just pissed because you got caught and got your account banned, and now you try to goad people on open forums about UI’s so people feel less sure about the game they are playing (basically, just trying to make blizzard lose a little business.)

    I have nothing against you. I just know how to read, and make as educated guesss as I can on your motivations to post something like this.

  21. solitaire Avatar

    I recently received a 72 hour suspension with no email sent like this guy. I called account services twice, and finally got an email sent. It says I have third party software or addons changing the way the game is meant to play. the ONLY third party addons i have are Zenma’s Addon pack. Which included Cartographer among others ,so i find this an interesting. Of course, it could be any in the pack.

  22. Show me the list of approved add ons.

    Show me a Blizzard approved Logo on your site.

    Show me an official link from the Official Blizz team saying that Cartographer has been approved…show me, and i will PAY MONEY for this addon.

    Read that link you gave again. It quite clearly states that there is no ‘Approved Addons’ list.

  23. Bingo!

    you “may” get banned for anything that “enhances” the game (addons).

    people get banned for sending their alts 20 silk bolts. do the surfing read the horror.

    the horror.

    once again, thx for the hate – im not a rogue account trader or any shady exploiter.

    if anything, ima gimp that got banned for wanting to put labels on a map.

    show me the Blizzy Approved logo and ill pay what – 15 bucks?
    (7 million noobs want a better map)

    oh, btw – a lot of people that get banned – open new accounts – just something for the theorists who want to speculate on how much blizzard would loose.

  24. i am sad to say you all have shit luck i have been useing the Atlas mod since it came out and i have not been baned i have never once got a email or got a 72hour ban for having this mod so i do not no why you all have had shit luck with mods and other 3rd party mods but i have never once been baned for useing Atlas so i do not know why you some of you have so i would say Atlas is a pretty safe mod well for me any ways

  25. I hope someone still reads this. I recently downloaded the Cartographer mod and was fooling around with the map transparency or something when I somehow made it just disappear. The map is completely gone when I run the mod. It makes the sounds as if it’s opening the map but nothing comes up. I can still see the few mining places I marked. I was wondering if there’s any way at all to make the map come up again? I heard I could do something about it in the Cartographer options but obviously I can’t see those unless the map comes up lol

  26. i think u guys r all idiots…..your arguing weather or not a mod will get u banned on a website that has an add for selling gold and power leveling on it.

  27. Ok, can you guys get past the arguing and answer the questions that were skimmed over earlier.

    How do I make the map smaller? When I enable it, it just shows up as a big map, not quite as big as the normal openable map, but close.

    How do I enable the ability to see my mining dots?

    Simple user interface facts please.


  28. is there any proof that blizzard said that this is legal? if so please post the link or show us a valid list of legal mods that has been allowed by Blizzard to be used in WoW without getting a ban.

  29. Swagger Avatar

    lol. you guys are funny. hahah

  30. Magine Avatar

    Everyone that thinks this illegal to blizzard, its not. I just downloaded this about 2 weeks ago and im still using it and blizzard hasn’t done anything about it.

  31. Crunch Avatar

    efa your a f’ing idiot, cartographer in no way violates eula, and your interpretation of the eula is bs. And difficult to understand? did you even go to school??? heres a breakdown of what it means noob…

    Section 13(g) of the ToU:
    The use of any “user interface” other than the user interface that is included in the World of Warcraft Software (“Third Party User Interface”) is not recommended by Blizzard Entertainment, and you hereby agree to indemnify and hold harmless Blizzard Entertainment from all claims, damages, and other losses which may arise from your use of a Third Party User Interface.
    If an addon you install f’s up your wow, blizzard wont do anything about it and it is in no way their fault.

    here’s the so called hard bit:
    At such time that Blizzard elects to post a list of approved Third-Party User Interfaces on its website, you agree that you will use only those Third-Party User Interfaces approved by Blizzard, and that you will use no other Third-Party User Interfaces in connection with World of Warcraft.

    quote: “AT SUCH TIME”

    this means that there is no list, it just means that if blizzard decide to limit the addons that can be used, they dont have to change the eula.

    “At such time” means from the point they do make one onwards…

    Less QQ

  32. odwray Avatar

    I would like to find an updated copy for v.2.1

  33. someone else Avatar
    someone else

    well first of all.. all of you people are jackasses. your sitting here calling people names when infact, blizzard does tell you why you are banne dor warned in emails. because i recieved one for a ban that was about a week long. and anything can be banned for whatever they feel like. its there game. its there money now. and your all on there servers.

  34. Kilghas Avatar

    If Blizzard ban all add-ons then please tell me why there is a ‘Post your UI’ section in their official forums nevermind the whole category of Interface Customisation

  35. To bad the author of this mod stopped reading this thread.. maybe he could have helped the few people that had questions about the mod itself.

    As for me, I am only posting to let you all know that “Blizzard” does send out email with a detailed explaination as to why they have banned you in the event that they should choose to do so. Two of my accounts got banned on the same day. Not just one toon for each account, but the entire account. They where both “Terminated” because I was runnning my game on a Linux OS (Suse). Because I had to run my game with Cedega, Blizzard thought I was Collecting information thru “Packet Mutation”. In otherwords, they thought I was stealing item ID tags and sending my own copies back to the Blizz servers to get free fat loots. I never did get either account back, but have sense Installed Winblows on a second partition just to play this stupid game, and rerolled all new toons…

    On an off note however. I can’t get the mining or herb nodes to show up on the main map.. any suggestions would be great.

  36. Hate retards! Avatar
    Hate retards!

    How about you guys stop for one second and answer these peoples questions? If you really want to dicuss about what these add-ons do, go make a forum. Get off here and let people find out. I for one don’t want this add-on cause you guys never gave me a chance to find out the problems with it on wow. You just discuss how it got some dumb ass who used the gold farms out the to get him to 60. So lets move on and answer the questions that have been posted. Have a nice day. GOSH! XD

  37. My Two Cents Avatar
    My Two Cents

    I am not familiar with this mod, but based on its description above I can see why it could, theoretically be viewed as a hack. Showing unexplored areas of the map is directly contrary to game mechanics that require a player to explore new areas before they show up on a map. The same goes for instance maps, which are otherwise unavailable during game play.
    Of course, that game mechanic is woefully out of date and ridiculous, (and hence, so is considering a fog map a hack) since all of that map information is readily available online, and in fact giving people map coordinates in game is more of the rule nowadays than the exception.
    However I am not completely so certain about that “tracking herbs and minerals” ability. (since I don’t exactly understand what it does… does it mean that a non-miner can track minerals? Does it mean I can see minerals in the entire zone instead of just in my viccinity?) True, once again the locations of common nodes are available online anyway, but this may be a part of this addon that requires it to “data farm” and put up a red flag for Blizz.
    Just speculating here. No judgements.

    As I said, Blizzard is a bit slow in making obvious enhancements to its gameplay. Most of the UI enhancements it just implemented were already available through mods beforehand. (food for thought: can the authors of those mods sue Blizz for stealing their ideas? lol) I know Blizzard wants to make money, and part of that making money is to have us waste time to searching for things the hard way so that we need to subscribe for longer to get to it, but it’s just an utter disconnect with reality. At least they’re learning and adapting, albeit very slowly.

    As for Blizzard customer service, I never had any ugly runs with them, so I cannot comment on that. However, I dread the day it may creep up on me… lol.

  38. Oddly Familiar Avatar
    Oddly Familiar

    Ok here ya go its legal legal legal asked personally got answered AGAIN i repeat LEGAL the point you have been focusing on in the eula is only to protect blizzard from recieving emails regarding stolen/hacked accounts, in other words by installing a third party mod you are doing so at YOUR OWN RISK, so boys and girls think of it as a rollercoaster you have your ups and downs, sometimes you blow chow and nail the fat chick behind you but you still take the ride dont you?

  39. In no way whatsoever is Cartographer legal. I just got my account banned for 72hours for using this mod. People beware!

  40. In no way whatsoever is Cartographer legal. I just got my account banned for 72hours for using this mod. People beware!

    You weren’t banned, dumbshit, that is called a suspension.
    And I have reason to believe that you are just bullshitting out of your ass.

  41. Hello again, friends, this is ckknight, author of Cartographer.

    Seeing as Cartographer does nothing explicitly against the EULA and the hundreds of thousands of users of this mod haven’t been banned, I’m going to assume that Cartographer is alright as far as Blizzard is concerned.

    I think it is much more likely that those who got banned/suspended were either doing something they shouldn’t have or were banned/suspended by mistake.

    Frankly the childish comebacks by efa merely solidify my beliefs, e.g. “thx for the hate enjoy cancer.” Doesn’t seem like an awfully mature response to the situation, if you ask me.

  42. Would it be wrong to assume that, as there is NO Elected list of Approved Add-on’s, that you are soley reliable and responsible for all such programs, until a list as such is posted? Meaning, free range to use any type of add-on as long as it does not go against the ToS. I only read this forum because my WoW began to crash often and irregularly after installing Cartographer. I had since deleted it, but was still curious as to why. I thought maybe because I opened a lot of *unavailable* item links in instances, but that was not the case. It would error about Guild position every time I opened up the map, and then i would illegal OP on WOW. So we can we stop bickering about a few scapegoating this program to conceal their own wrong-doings and start being informational about the possible and potential bugs?

  43. I looked through this and hoped for some help on getting the auto marking down as mine does not. most of the forum is full of the agreement and ban mess. everyone i know uses this mod it works to varing degrees based on interaction of other mods most of the time. This if tracked items would be against agreement. It just marks known locations or allows you to mark locations of herb/minerals. Thanks for making the forum full of barrens chat on license agreement.

  44. Thrashnburn Avatar

    Did someone say they dont tell you what you got banned for? Hells yeah they do i used a speed hack when i started playing WoW last year they told me that i got suspended for third party software. So what if they cant tell me exactly what it was?they still knew. I dont see anyways for u to get banned for using an add-on…The only reason i got caught with that speed hack was because my freind told me to turn it up to 1000(Game runs at 1.5) and it crashed the game.Anyways my point is all add-ons are legal unless its a mod someone just called an add-on, and i hope you’re smart enough to catch that…Fuckin newbs

  45. Thrashnburn your a moron. A speed hack is a little different than a mapping program. Crashing the game server is just a slight bit different then being able to see the entire map. So, please take your malted hops and bong resin coated brain cells away from any forums.

    As for the banned folks, I have used this mod since it’s release without any problems. I have also use auction mods as well. I also BUY gold when needed from the gold farmers which is few and far between, but I still have done it and sent gold and variuos other items to all my alts. In all the years I have done these things I have never even been warned about any of these activities. However, I also keep up on warden and what it is looking for and I don’t go around flaunting my achievements in chat or to guild members or friends. Which is one of the ways you gets busted, the other thing that warden does that few people know about is scan your internet temp catch. It is looking for certain things including hacks and other files or SITES that you have visited. I know it’s BS but the best thing that you can do is always clear you cache and never surf for stuff like that when you are playing. I hate to repeat what others have already said but YOU ARE NOT GOING TO GET BANNED FOR A MAP PROGRAM. I don’t care if it tells Thrashnburn up here where he can find his virtual bud. It’s not going to happen. My guess is that either you did something in combination to make it look like you were doing something you actually were not and since as it has been said that you don’t KNOW why you were banned posting here and making people think that a perfectly good add on is bannable is just plain BS. You don;t know why you were banned according to you so stop trying to blame it on a interface add-on. Now go reroll a new toon and get over yourself, EFA! FTW!!!

  46. Hey, I’m also having problems not being able to see the mining nods, and I can’t get it to work my professions at all. I have it enabled and everything. Does anyone know how to work it?

  47. Just like to say that this post made me nervous until I see this
    Check out the blue post from a Blizzard employee.

  48. Stu For The Win. Avatar
    Stu For The Win.

    I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Stu in as exuberant a way as possible for finally showing the pointlessness of this argument, and showing irrefutable proof for one side. I care not to take sides in this, I would merely like to say that: Stu, you have shown your value. So as far as I’m concerned Stu is truly the only one of you people that is sane. Why? It is because he hasn’t tried to get into any retarded or heated arguments over the internet, against people that he doesn’t care to ever meet. He has instead dropped one piece of undeniable proof and ended this conversation completely. I must once again Thank you Stu for being the smartest person I’ve ever seen in a posting war argument. For you took the only mature response, to not participate…. and you got your 2 cents in too.

  49. Rog was here Avatar
    Rog was here

    If everyone hate blizz then why not go up to blizz in californa and tell them yourselfs?

  50. I came on here to find out, like so many other people, why this Mod will not show minning/herb node (the ONLY reason I got it). I see others asking the question too. But all I read (even from the Aurthor himself) is fighting; NOBODY is helping the people that came on here to actually USE the mod?????????