School Bans Social Websites

This is week-and-a-half-old news, however it struck a nerve so I figured I’d post it. According to this article on, Pope John XXIII Regional High School in Sparta, NJ is threatening students to make them stop participating in social networking with websites such as MySpace, Facebook and Xanga. The article states:

Effective immediately, and over student complaints, the teens were told to dismantle their accounts or similar sites with personal profiles and blogs. Defy the order and face suspension, students were told.

While public and private schools routinely block access to noneducational Web sites on school computers, Pope John’s order reaches into students’ homes.

The primary impetus behind the ban is to protect students, McHugh said. The Web sites, popular forums for students to blog about their lives and feelings about their teachers and schools, are fertile ground for sexual predators to gather information about children, he said.

While it seems like the school is trying to protect its students, they are going about it the wrong way. Its a violation of free speech to police the students in this way. Educating the students about the dangers of a web presence would be a more reasonable approach.


205 responses to “School Bans Social Websites”

  1. That Kid Avatar
    That Kid

    Well, at the risk of getting the replies “LIEK LOLOLOL GAY LOLOL MYSPACE R COOL!” I’d just like to say, school computers are for school, not myspace. But saying kids can’t go at home I hafta say, that’s a little far. But come on, you can’t get off for 6 or so hours while your at school? What has happened to our generation? -_-

    And way to be a steriotipical myspacer by overusing “gay” as a derogatory term.

    ….oh wow… this is increadably sad.

    If you cant go 8 hours without going online and looking at comment, your friends pages, and all the other usless stuff you do on myspace, you have a very serious problem. If you dont want to be in school, get your self suspended, expelled, or just drop out. Cause your just making the experience of us who dont want to end doing bitch work for the rest of our lives, much worst.

  3. School Tech Avatar
    School Tech

    Wow. Really. Wow.

    The complete lack of understanding of the situation is utterly amazing.
    1. It’s the school’s(work) computer, not yours.
    2. It’s the school’s(work) ‘net connection, not yours.
    3. (Don’t konw about this in other places, but in my district)You signed an acceptible use policy at the begining of the year/term that states you will NOT post your personal information (Phone, First/Last Name, Address), any hatefull language, webpage, email, nor engage in any form of activity that would circumvent the security or integrity of the network.

    #3 is the most important here. Violating the policy around here gives the administration the right to take action up to and including expulsion. Usually the kid has their account taken away for the rest of the term. (Try doing a computer course with no access to a computer!) In the real world, if you’re cought using the home proxy trick to surf banned sites, you’re out the door. Fired. No EI. Don’t pass GO, don’t collect $200.

    We have had some really sick stuff happen here, all of it on these myspace like sites. These were presumably made at home, and just viewed at school, however that too is a violation of the policy these kids signed. We’re aware that there’s just going to be other sites found, and we’re quite prepared to block them when they show up.

    I agree it’s a bit sticky to try to regulate what you do at home, but believe me, this happens outside of school too. So what if on the weekend Sgt X has a fatty? But on Monday, the army drug screens, he fails, and could get fired.

    I’m not going to brag about how we block these sites, because that would be a bad idea. As far as I know right now, there’s no way for this method to be bypassed, without local admin rights(and even then, it’s tricky). There are ways we in IT can absolutly force the connection through the proxy, and that being our proxy, however this is not done, mostly because of the strain on the connection.

    Oh, and to all the kidz (sic) that posted their own little work arrounds, THANK YOU! You just saved my crew and I a bunch of time getting more sites to block!
    to qoute you psudo gamers:
    “P 0 \/\/ /\/ 3 D!”
    **Someone that gamed before gaming was “hip”**

    Thanks to the adults here that are trying to shed some light aswel.

    Hey kids,
    Anarchy seems cool in theroy. In reality it means that because I’ve got a bigger weapon, I win.
    Stop whinning on a web forum, and start understanding how the world works.
    Try a couple of movies (because I don’t read books either ;) ) called SLC Punk, and The Anarchist’s Cookbook.
    Maybe you’ll get the message, maybe not.

  4. apotheosis Avatar

    what we say or do is none of your godamn business, so fuck of mate.

    I certainly hope you go to a private school.

    Because it’d be awfully sad to see such an eloquent and thoroughly well-constructed rant demolished by pointing out that as long as the mean, awful, taxpaying grownup public is funding it, it’s their business whether you like it or not.

    I realize all of this falls on deaf ears, because us old people don’t understand “The Truth.” That the universe does, in fact, revolve around you; that you know more than we ever will, that you deserve respect not because you’ve done anything to earn it but simply because you exist, and after all, isn’t the true measure of knowledge the number of people in your buddy list?

    If your peers all agree with you then you must be right. Old people just don’t understand how hard it is to be you. You poor things. Imagine, going eight whole hours five days a week without validation and ego boosts from people you’ve never met. However will you survive?

  5. Hm. Let’s see. You spoiled, stupid little brats don’t enough time to make a rapists hit list- oh, I’m sorry, I mean, post pictures of yourselves on a website that anyone can gain access to at home, so you have to use my tax money to go on your shitty websites. Wow. Let’s see if your little, idiotic brains can process this info. MySpace is a “website for friends” right? And most of the people on your friend list are your real frieds, correct? So, why would you go post on a comment page for your ‘ myspace if he/she is sitting right next to you in computer class, you little idiots. “You can mind your own goddamn business!” Some of you say. First of all: Where’d you get that wise ass mouth from, kid? MySpace you say? Oh! One more reason. Thanks for fucking yourselves over. Also, give me your address… (oh wait, never mind, it’s on his myspace. Haha.) I’m gonna walk into your house, and get onto your computer. When you say, “WTF r u dooing?” I’ll say, “Mind your own goddamn business.” So when you’re on someone elses property, it is there business what you’re doing, you fucking idiot.

    As of for parents viewing this comment from me, a thirteen-year-old boy, learn this. This is what your dipshit kids are doing in school. Going onto crappy websites and not actually learning anything. You must be so proud.

  6. Chopstix Avatar

    Good….people need to learn that myspace is crap.

    I’m sure you can find other more interesting things then posting a Picture of your chest.

  7. cursestar Avatar

    I love you, apotheosis. I was going to do a big rant but you said it all.

  8. Those who are against the blocking of MySpace our morons.

    Myspace is stupid.

    The administrators of the site don’t care, and this is expressed as there isn’t even one fucking moderator on the site. Everyone who owns a MySpace account, get lives, sorry if you’re too much a faggot to actually talk to real people.

  9. Inuyasha Avatar

    You say you don’t want people to try to protect you anymore? Ok, well then say that when you’ve got a stalker. Know that 100 question thing you took? Yeah, rapists love those. Find out your interests and everything.

    And school is for work. What are you going to do when you get a job in the real world? You sure as hell arn’t going to be posting comments on myspace.

  10. ^
    Hey, it’s some people I know!

    Gonna give a shout out to apotheosis, even though I highly doubt what he/she(could be) said was even read by any of these kids and given more of a thought than, “Huh?” followed by a confused head shake back and forth.

    Listen, perhaps if any of you actually made a myspace account at the legal age the site says, then it wouldn’t be a problem.
    Anyone can make a myspace, it’s not one of those friend finder website where they do a background check of sorts, anyone, and I mean anyone can read all your information, because you trustworthy kids put in your zip codes your address, and your pictures.
    How stupid can a person be?

    Also, for that guy apotheosis commented on, I really hope they install a program on school computers that makes those things null.
    They put a blocker, so you bypass it……..sounds illegal to me.
    Nothing a big ole fine your parents have to pay won’t fix, hey, if they take that far enough it could be seen as a felony.

    But thats just me, I kinda work on the reward and punishment system.

  11. [quote]its not harmful.
    i think it should be aloud.

    its not like your doing anything bad [/quote]

    So, you are saying wasting your life isn’t bad? COOL. I’M GONNA GO SKIP SCHOOL, DO DRUGS, AND SMOKE BECAUSE THIS GUY SAYS IT’S NOT BAD! I HATE MYSELF….*breaks down crying*

    [quote]our school blocked myspace for no freakin reason. WHAT is so wrong with it? its not like we’re plotting an evil scheme to blow up america or some dumb crap like that[/quote]

    No, worst than blowing up america. You are sharing your meaningless lives with other people who either don’t care or want to rape you. And anyway, how the hell can you blow up america? It’s too large. Get a life and an education, fool.

    [quote]WHY??? dats the question. why did schools block myspace?? its a way to express our selfs!![/quote]

    Posting your personal information and personal pictures on a website full of sexual predators is expressing yourself. Right.

    [quote]OMG why does haft to be BLOCKED from schools?



    If they were smart then they would realize that we can hack into it whit the right research!


    Were not dumb people we know how to protect ourselves!! [/quote]

    “Were not dumb people” is the quote of the generation. I fucking swear. Incorrect spelling/grammar and all.

    [quote]I think it is stupid that schools block websites then we cant get onto anything….i hate it. we should be able to get on anything we want because when we go home we do what we want anyways…its agrovating when all these sites are blocked. schools need to quit doing it!!!!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

    You are missing the point. Schools can do whatever they fucking want.

    [quote]school = boring as hell now[/quote]

    School can be boring WITH MySpace. Get over it.


    School: “Wow, someone using all caps and 15 exclamation points after their sentences used bad grammar and spelling to try and get his/her way. Let’s do exactly what they say! I mean, caps lock is cruize control for cool, isn’t it?”

    [quote]ok my school is freaking dumb just to point that out! anyways the computer will let me get onto myspace through a proxy but it wont let me sign in itll refer me to make an account![/quote]

    School isn’t dumb. It knows more than you, because it is it’s job. So shut up and respect your superiors.

    [quote]I discovered a hidden danger in MySpace everyone seems to have missed. A web “Hate” page was set up dedicated to my daughter. There was a gun on the page. The page prominately displayed her first and last name as the inspiration for “hate”. The page was set up annonymously and sent to many classmates. My child did not know about the page until her friends told her about it. She does not and never had a page set up. I contacted MySpace and they did not take the page down until the police got involved. MySpace never responded to me personally.
    Now think about it. If there is some crazy teen thinking of shooting up students at my daughter’s school, she has just become the primary target as a result of MySpace.[/quote]

    Everyone in the internet community should be aware of this.

    [quote]…our school systems are gay..they’re not protecting us..they’re takinh away our rights.i’m so sick of school officials thinkging their our parents..i have some at home, i don’t need some here[/quote]

    The school is smarter than your parents. They have all the rights of your parents. When you enter that building, the staff of the school are your legal guardians until you leave.

    [quote]my school is totally gay!! i mean i want myspace. EVERYONE wants their myspace. it’s so much fun!! then the school has to be gay and block it on us. please, if anyone knows how to get on myspace at school beacuse mine is blocked, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE send me an IM and tell me how!! –>slytlyimperfect[/quote]

    You, along with many previous and following others, should be shot. Our future doesn’t need people like you.

    [quote]Its really simple actually, they block myspace because its fun. Think about it, I mean my school blocks EVERYTHING, there is hardly a reason to get on the net a school. Games are blocked, all social sites are blocked, Political sites are blocked. Its all blocked because it doesn’t apply to school. IT SUCKS!!![/quote]

    Teacher: I have an idea, lets block MySpace! I bet it’ll be FUN.
    Principal: Great idea! Here, have a raise!

    I can not picture this happening.

    [quote]its really gay that myspace is blocked, and it should be unblocked!!!!!..yeah. damn i still got that buz! sh!t im tired as hell :P[/quote]

    You crave MySpace like nicotene? You should be shot too.

    [quote]wow why dey gotta ban ar stuff when we jus want to express ourselfz i mean its real stoopid

    damn mfs. [/quote]

    I want these people’s addresses I swear.

    [quote]my school blocked this sit dumb b/c it can be very helpfule and i think it was[/quote]

    How in GOD’S NAME can MySpace help your life at all? I don’t have a MySpace, and my life is fine without it. If “Helpfule” is actually a word spelled like that meaning “wasteful of my life,” then I can agree.

    [quote]i need a web site to get into because i need it.[/quote]

    Cool. I need food, water, and shelter.

    [quote]that is so gay idk why they would have to do something like that myspace doest have ne thing wrong wit it i can see if they block like porn and stuff but thats so gay[/quote]

    Nothing wrong? But…you use it!

    [quote]alright so i’m so pissed.
    seriously i’ve tried everything my school has blocked every friggin site plus we can’t download.
    i think they should re concider banning this..
    now cus i dont have it i sit here and bitch at the teacher who is standing behind me..

    I hope you get suspended.

    [quote]i dont know what the school’s fuckin problem is!!! theres nothing wrong with myspace!!! the fuckin school even blocked all the proxy websites so there is no way to get on it!!! there was only one website that worked and it got suspended so now im S.O.L.!!! i hate this fuckin school, it can burn in hell for all i care!!! they fuckin think every little thing is SO unsafe and it pisses me off!!! this school is fuckin craked out. i hope it looses all its fuckin money so it closes down!!! if u guys have myspace check my profile out… iight, lata peeps…..[/quote]

    I bet you are a male in your 60s.

    [quote]If is so dangerous…then why are we all still alive?[/quote]

    Because They felt sorry for you.

    [quote]but umm yea i think that there should be a law requiring students to get on myspace[/quote]

    I swear if I every meet you I will be the last person you will ever meet.

  12. That Guy..... Avatar
    That Guy…..

    Maybe, Just Maybe if you all cut your wrists, they’ll let you have your precious myspace back!

    TRY IT!

  13. slipknot792 Avatar

    Hay everyone, found this badass site that will let you bypass not only myspace if your school has blocked it, but other popular websites that are usually blocked, also (like ebaumsworld)

    i think its pretty new so not many people know about it ;-)

  14. ssycko Avatar

    “i have successfully found a server that works ( 2 actually) and i would like to take the time right now to rub it in all you little prick’s faces! so ha! fuck you dick heads!”

    Oh, you showed me. You learned how to use Google.

    “what we do before, during, or after school is not your godamn problem so fuck off.”

    Yes, it is my problem, because what you do could potentially affect me.

    “stop telling them/us what to do and go back to your cubicle or stay at home job and stop looking up this shit when you have better things to do as an adult. and if your not an adult then stop trying to shove your nose up someones ass by saying its bad.”

    Looking up this shit? This is a news website. Its news. I guess the news is only for adults now.

    “stop looking for a reason to bitch at kids for grammatical errors. its a goddamn computer, not an sat test, so why should you care? thats all i wanted to say, and all other kids out there, i got your back.”

    Your grammar is a representation of all the bad things that are related to Myspace.

    Get off the fucking school’s computer, and go learn something. There’s a reason it’s called school, and not Myspace.

  15. Chopstix Avatar

    And isnt School a place where you work to get an education?

    School isnt a place to do mySpace.




  16. Mr. X Avatar
    Mr. X

    Haha. Reading these comments make me giggle. Notice how anyone hasn’t gone “OMFGZ THSI IS GAI!!!1111!1” since most of you guys showed up. This is hilarious.

  17. Hexxenn Avatar

    Reading these comments, it’s obvious that America is finished.

    When this current crop of students graduates (and you can be assured that they’ll graduate, what with the educations standards being lower and lower every year) and becomes the major workforce, this country is done.

    God, the amount of sheer stupidity in these comments is staggering.

  18. Lol all you guys saying that OH NO DON’T BLOCK MYSPACE! ar sad and don’t have a life school is for work not myspace.

  19. School Tech Avatar
    School Tech

    Just want to say thanks again for every kid here that posts a “here’s a new way/site/proxy”.
    I just love updating our blocked list :D

  20. […] Schools across the country are cracking down on student computer use; blocking social sites and proxy servers. Many schools are perfectly within their right to prevent teenagers from frequenting sites like MySpace, Facebook and Xanga while using school hardware. In all actuality, there is no real need for students to be on such social sites at school when it could impede on studying and perhaps pose a danger to the student (internet predators). […]

  21. That Guy..... Avatar
    That Guy…..

    I think this should be the generation we ask not to vote.

  22. Jasbrit Avatar

    Thank goodness this generation won’t be voting for another 50 years, assuming they survive that long.

  23. “Hay everyone, found this badass site that will let you bypass not only myspace if your school has blocked it, but other popular websites that are usually blocked, also (like ebaumsworld)

    i think its pretty new so not many people know about it ;-)”

    Nice one, idiot. You gave everyone a link that doesn’t work. Wow. You sure are a computer wiz, aren’t you? Proof that computer class isn’t helping these idiots at all.

  24. Chopstix Avatar

    This is why people Dont need mySpace at School.

    They need to learn what can work and cant


  25. theOtakukid Avatar

    OMG Y DID DEY HAEV TO BLOK MISPACE??!?!?!?!?!?!!!1111///???!?1/!?

    Wait… i know why… the computers are school propety. And thus, they should be allowed to block whatever sites they want.

    be glad you even get computers. Imagine having to look things up in BOOKS. :0

  26. “be glad you even get computers. Imagine having to look things up in BOOKS. :0”
    Turning pages without a clicker is rough!

  27. “Wait… i know why… the computers are school propety. And thus, they should be allowed to block whatever sites they want.”

    So, if the teachers are all Democrats, they can block the Republican website, and vice versa?

    Schools are funded by taxpayers, and should conform to little things like the Constitution and civil liberties/human rights principles which state that free expression should not be infringed by the government.

    The US law (the CIPA) demands that schools prevent access to obscene visual images, child pornography and materials which are harmful to minors. According to studies, over 97% of blocked material in American public schools goes beyond what CIPA requires, and many of those resources are valid educational websites.

    There really is a choice here – government-regulated adults trying to give kids a supposedly rounded education and kids experimenting with the ‘net. They may be clueless and idiotic and think that finding an open nph-proxy.cgi is a “hack” worth boasting about. But I’d prefer a generation of people brought up breaking through illegitimate web filtering put in by a malfeasant education authority than a generation cowed by the dullness of current public education. MySpacers: you may be idiots, but you’re far cooler idiots than the people doing the filtering. Rock on!

  28. Gerbal Man Avatar
    Gerbal Man

    Tom Morris, your a dumb ass. they would’nt block a republican site because that can be educational. they blocked myspace, because it is’nt educational. school is for learning, not for chatting with some guy from Germany you’ve never even met. You all need to suck it up and move on with your lives, there are more important things in this world, like getting a job once you leave school, going to collage, or getting a REAL social life. if all you do is sit one your ass never leaving my space addicted to it like some kind of drug, how do you plan to get anywhere in life. and lets say they unblocked it, you cant tell me it will improve your grades or make you popular, you would be ignoring the teacher so your wont learn anything anyway, therefor making school useless to you. and you wont be popular either, your chatting with people you dont even know, they probably dont even act like that in real life. just pretending to be cool, just like you do.
    i support the myspace banning. its about time. if your SOOO worried about myspace wait untill you get home. TERRIBLE idea, but it might just work. school does not = your free time. it = learning, get over it.

  29. i think that everyone that think kids should be blocked from myspace are complete idiots. if the persons that are stupid enough to let themselves become prey for sexual predators shouldnt even be living. as for the school systems, they have to understand that kids will always find a way onto myspace at school. weather it via a portable computer that they brought themselves or proxy sites that i know from personal expierence is used a lot at my school. as for me, im one of those persistant types. if someone is trying to keep me from getting something, i will go the extra distance to get it just because. anywho all you fuckers that r against myspace should die a very horible death, especially our shool systems.

  30. Gerbal Man, thank you for the compliments. I’m glad your the collage education which you value was, presumably, worth the investment in your case, since it seems to have made it possible for you to construct reasoned, factual arguments in the form of the coherent and well-punctuated statements present in your comment. Lest I puff up your ego too much, let’s skip on to the content.

    Schools can and have blocked political sites and numerous educational websites – as I pointed out, the vast majority of material blocked in American schools and libraries go beyond what the law requires and often block sites which have valid educational purposes.

    The point about the analogy about the Republican/Democrat site is not whether a political site is educational or not. It is a point about control. Schools cannot simply block any site they want to, they have to follow the law. The law is quite simple: the CIPA requires that schools block access to visual images of an obscene nature, material of a pornographic nature depicting children and sites which are harmful to minors. The test is very minimal. There is the fact that civil liberties and human rights protections including the First Amendment state that the government should not suppress speech.

    You also seem to simply assert that school equals learning. Asserting does not make it so. The intention of school might be providing a place to learn. The evidence also suggests that it’s a way to keep the idle hands of youth off the streets for a few years and ensure they remain relatively docile. As I said in my previous post, the fact that students are willing to show initiative and independence and hunt out fixes for the abridgment of their rights is something I think is extremely praiseworthy. I mean, the skills of Googling and understanding some of the fundamental concepts of how the Internet works are hardly less valuable than being taught to the test of some dumbed-down exam which has had any of the crunch bits squeezed out by political hacks and scared textbook publishers trying to appease a clueless electorate.

    If these kids are learning now how to break through filters so they can get on to MySpace, we can hope that when the government wants to peer through their email, they’ll be as forthright in finding ways around it, finding technological gum to stick in the bureaucratic machine. However much I hate MySpace, these guys are the heroes of the next generation.

  31. I’m sorry – typo – please omit the “your” from the first sentence of my first paragraph.

  32. As a minor, your “rights” are pretty much limited to not being physically or mentally abused. Everything else is a privilege. To believe otherwise is sheer folly.

  33. That means that Jefferson, Adams et al. were folly-makers. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” When we are ‘created’, in Constitutional terms, we are not done so at the age of majority, we are done so for life. Rights are unalienable, they are granted by our mere existence, not by our parents or by our government. Freedom of thought, freedom of speech and freedom of conscience apply to all ages.

  34. Schools are gay. they should unblock myspace:)

  35. That Guy..... Avatar
    That Guy…..

    Myspace kids are gay.

    They should all die. :-)

  36. stupid old people and teachers need to suck the fuck up to us “u” and “ur” is a word..just because your too old to use it doesnt men we cant so fuck off bitches

  37. Amanda Avatar

    I think schools r gay when they block myspace, there is nothing wrong with it.

  38. kenny Avatar

    Wow… about time they did something about myspace.

    To mo – “u” is only a letter. “ur” is not a word. It’s slang used by lazy idiots in chat rooms, blogging sites, or web forums who don’t know how to use proper grammar. Cursing will also do nothing to further your cause in using myspace on school computers.

    Maybe the idiots who are defending thier right to use myspace on school computers think that writing properly is “uncool”, but it sure makes it harder for people to take you seriously when we can’t understand any of your jibberish. Please try to write without the capslock on. It makes you look ridiculous. Really…

    If there is any way that myspace is positive, meaning that it would, if possible, help with school work, which I am very certain that there isn’t any, then please, feel free to comment. And if you say to contact a friend through myspace, then you are an idiot. Ever heard of a phone or maybe, just maybe, talking to your friend in person and setting up a study session in a library or at someone’s home? Please, go outside.

    School computers are used for school work! Go play with your myspace when you get home.

  39. loserhead Avatar

    this is so fucking stupid. i can fucking spell and i can use myspace. not only dickheads use myspace. i dont use myspace in the computer lab stupid. i use it in class and my teacher doesnt fucking care.

    but i have to say, people who are on myspace for like 6-12 hours straight seriously have no life.

  40. How to hack myspace passwords! It is possible and it is easy. This way of hacking into Myspace accounts was brought to my attention by a ex-girlfriend of mine who is a bit of a computer wizard. I have tried the method a least a dozen times and it has worked on all but 2 occasions, I don’t know the reason why it failed a couple of times, but on every other occasion it has got me the password for the requested Myspace address. This is how it is done:

    STEP 1- Log in to your own Myspace account. Note: Your account must be at least 2 weeks old for this trick to work.

    STEP 2- Once you have logged into your own account, go to the myspace server account at .This is the myspace account to the automated server that sends out passwords to users who have forgotten them. What you are going to do is trick the server into thinking that it is sending your password to you but it will send you the pass for the account you are trying to hack instead.

    STEP 3- In the subject line type exactly: password retrieve

    STEP 4- On the first line of your mail write the myspace ID of the person you are hacking.

    STEP 5- On the second line type in the e-mail address you are using for your myspace account.

    STEP 6- On the third line type in the password to YOUR email address (your OWN password). The computer needs your password so it can send a __JavaScript from your account in the Myspace Server to extract the other myspace ID email and password. This works because you are sending your password to a machine not a person. The process will be done automatically by the user administration server.

    STEP 7- The final step before sending the mail is, type on the fourth line the following code exactly: cgi-bin/$et76453as&pwrsa

    This is howyou can prove that this is the Myspace Server account is that when you go that myspace it will be different then all the others myspace accounts.

    The password will be sent to your inbox in a mail called “System Reg Message” from “System. Usually within 1 day. When my ex showed me how to do this I thought it was too good a trick to keep to myself! Just try and enjoy!

  41. all you people who r against myspace might say that we need to get a life but what about u..why the fuck are you on here to criticizing other people because of what they like to do on their free time…itz better than criticizing people on their free time…your the ones that need to get a fucking life…let young people do what they want…if they want to go on myspace instead of learning at school thats their problem and their choice…mind your god damn buisness…just dont let your kids do it

    to get on myspace you can use the following:

    both of those show work ; )

  42. Check out to unblock my space.

  43. These people are fighting a war they’ve already lost… How can you stop people from socializing?

  44. works perfectly to unblock myspace. Logins work so you can use it for forums, hotmail, orkut, facebook or anywhere else for that matter.

  45. cassie long Avatar
    cassie long

    well ya ya…im sittin here bored as fuck in the ivy-tech library in lafayette and they got like every single fucking website blocked! its kinda rediculous if u ask me but theres nothin i can do about it…but there is this website that worked for me but the cookies wouldent let me sign in but ill tell u guys anyways… o by the way i left a comment on here like along time ago and i left my myspace URL but i dont have that link anymore cause my dad keeps on looking me up and e-mailing the myspace workers and telling deleteing my profile cause he allways comes to these rediculous conclusions and he thinks im gonna meet someone off the enternet and go meet them and stupid shit like that and because im 13 and u have to be 14 but there is alot of people that are 13 that have it so ya.

  46. Hottie On Myspace Yall Avatar
    Hottie On Myspace Yall

    Juz go to or any otha ones listed. MYSPACE IS SOME TIGHT SHIT AINT IT!!!!!!!!! Jus have a blast on myspace and make sure you dont get caught on myspace or the secret site ( wink wink ). Cyaz on MySpace…Lataz

  47. my school blocked piczo its so gay

  48. hey hey i dont go on my space but i need pictures from piczo n ma shit school will not let me go on thw site is