Google Maps: Map World of Warcraft

mapwowGoogle Maps has been taken to a whole new level. The greatest mashup of the gaming world has been created using data from World of Warcraft and the Google Maps API. The end result is brilliant! Its name? MapWoW.

What is it exactly? Well, its a map of World of Warcraft that you can zoom in and out on Blizzard’s wonderful MMORPG world with the familiar controls of Google’s mapping tool. MapWoW gives a good description on what can be done with the tool:

The map utilizes the Google Maps API and therefore behaves just a like a Google Map. Clicking on the controls on the left side of the map will let you zoom in and out. Dragging the map around lets you scroll the map and view different areas. It’s that easy.

Use the menu to the right of the map to select resources and labels that you wish to display. Currently you can display herbs, ore, treasure, zone names, and city names. There are over 15,000 data points covering 69 resources with their exact map location in our database. The bottom of the menu provides quick links to popular locations in the game. Found a great area that you want to share with your friends? Go to the location on the map, click on the “Link to this Location” and then copy the URL.

We are always looking to make the site better; so more features will be coming shortly. If there’s something you’d like to see on the map or have an idea for a new feature, please [contact MapWoW].

The following herbs can currently be mapped: Arthas’ Tears, Black Lotus, Blindweed, Briarthorn, Bruiseweed, Dreamfoil, Earthroot, Fadeleaf, Firebloom, Ghost Mushroom, Golden Sansam, Goldthorn, Grave Moss, Gromsblood, Icecap, Khadgar’s Whisker, Kingsblood, Liferoot, Mageroyal, Mountain Silversage, Peacebloom, Plaguebloom, Purple Lotus, Silverleaf, Stranglekelp, Sungrass, Wild Steelbloom, and Wintersbite. The following ore can currently be mapped: Copper Vein, Dark Iron Ore, Gold Vein, Ooze Covered Gold Vein, Incendicite Mineral Vein, Iron Deposit, Lesser Bloodstone Deposit, Mithril Deposit, Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit, Silver Vein, Ooze Covered Silver Vein, Small Thorium Vein, Ooze Covered Thorium Vein, Rich Thorium Vein, Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein, Tin Vein, Truesilver Deposit, and Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit.

Overall, a fairly groovy mashup with a lot of functionality for World of Warcraft! Awesome.

UPDATE: It seems the guys at MapWoW have an Outland map as well. w00t!


15 responses to “Google Maps: Map World of Warcraft”

  1. Thanks for the mention! We’ve also recently released a map for the Burning Crusade expansion:

  2. Prophecy67 Avatar

    Sadly the good stuff isn’t implemented yet. no herbs or ores of the new outlands in yet. Will it ever be?

  3. jrchefhead Avatar

    hey, great site! ive already put it to good use. no doubt this was a result of someone’s “20% time” at the google hq?

  4. Prophecy is right. The map won’t be complete until the new TBC ores and herbs are loaded in. But good work so far!

  5. i used it its great but u cant print it there in lises the flaw of this magnificent item.

  6. MapWoW is great, I’ve been using it for some time :)

  7. bigolenerd Avatar

    between this and wowplotter, pretty much covered…..

  8. Rosysnow Avatar

    THANK YOU!!!

    The map is awesome, very useful!

  9. Haha… this is awesome!

  10. what about the outer world????

  11. There is a new server for World of Warcraft It is free (no monthly pay) Come and try out. For the first people surprises.

  12. Haha, They need to update this soon its great!

  13. Ive been using this addon for a while now, Its much better than the original wow map