Tag: programming

  • Oracle 10g: Using The Returning Clause With ADOdb

    Plymouth State University uses Oracle heavily due to its Student Information System of choice – SungardHE Banner. As such, I play around in Oracle a lot (sometimes a lot more than I’d like) and I occasionally find functionality that seems more cumbersome than it should. One such item is selecting the last inserted value on…

  • jQuery 1.2 Released!

    This is a major release for the JavaScript library that I have grown to love. Before I list the new features, it is important to note what functionality has been removed from jQuery. Here’s the deprecated functionality: These Selectors XPath Descendant Selector: $(“div//p”) XPath Child Selector: $(“div/p”) XPath Parent Selector: $(“p/../div”) XPath Contains Predicate Selector:…

  • jQuery Plugin: Live Query

    My hear is exploding with happiness and joy at the existence of Brandon Aaron. He has built a sweet jQuery plugin (Live Query) that reduces complexity in Ajax and general DOM manipulation coding by a great deal (when it comes to applying behaviors). First, let me tell you the problem (if you don’t already know):…

  • Internet Explorer – Web Developer Toolbar

    In a world of FireFox and its beautiful extensions of web-development power, Internet Explorer has been a horrid browser to develop/debug your code. Microsoft has a fancy FireBug clone for the bane of every web developer…Internet Explorer! They call it the Web Developer Toolbar (although it isn’t much of a toolbar and more of a…

  • Plugin: Sexy Comments v1.4 Released!

    [[innerindex]] Introduction This has been a long time coming and I am happy to announce the release of Sexy Comments v1.4! With this version comes a lot of changes…so be sure to read the installation section! Along with simple optimizations and general restructure, the following features are now available: Feature List Ajax comment preview (new…

  • jQuery 1.1.3: Speed Improvements and Bug Fixes

    After a long wait, jQuery 1.1.3 has been released! (Download it at the jQuery site) When I first adopted jQuery a year ago, the library boasted both faster speeds and smaller size than any other JavaScript Ajax/DOM tool. With the release of jQuery’s version 1.1.2, a number of jQuery’s operations became very slow and inefficiencient,…

  • Faster Page Loads With Image Concatenation

    [[innerindex]] Introduction When designing web applications, icons and images are used to enhance the user experience, give visual cues, and simply look sexy. For complex web apps, the quantity and resulting latency of icons and images used can greatly impact page load times…and developers, in most cases, generally try to reduce page load time with…

  • MyComic WordPress Plugin v0.5 Released!

    Last night I went into plugin fixing mode and have updated and released the latest version of the MyComic WordPress Plugin (download it here)! This new version is compatible with the latest version of WordPress (2.1.2) and it fixes/adds/changes a few things: Bug Fixes: Error on plugin activation is fixed Fixed some inefficiencies with the…

  • jQuery 1.1a Released

    The jQuery 1.1a has been released today by the jQuery team! Its important to note that this is an alpha version before you go out and install it in a production environment, but the jQuery team asks that people give it a round of testing prior to the release this weekend. The “Quick and Dirty”…

  • JSMin: Javascript Compression

    While at The Ajax Experience in October, I attended a presentation who spoke of the 3 C’s (Combine, Compress, Cache) for Ajax development. In the Compress section I was introduced to the beauty of JSMin! What is it? Well, shut up and I’ll tell you. Quoting Douglas Crockford (the creator of JSMin): JSMin is a…

  • What Code DOESN’T Do In Real Life

    If you’re not a programmer, have you ever sat in awe as programmers on “the Big Screen” (*cough* movies *cough*) dazzle you with their uber-typing as they construct 3D blocks of code that animate around the screen and reflect onto the programmer’s face? OR if you are a programmer, have you ever watched a movie…

  • The Ajax Experience: jQuery Toolkit

    I went to The Ajax Experience with high expectations of catching some great tips regarding development in an Ajax environment. At the same time, I was sure of my previous decision with the use of Prototype and Script.aculo.us was as good as it gets (without diving into the widgetized world…e.g. Dojo). I attended John Resig‘s…

  • The Ajax Experience: Plan of Attack

    The Ajax Experience is next Monday (although I arrive Sunday afternoon) through Wednesday and I’ve prepared my plan of attack: Monday 10:00am-11:30am: Leveraging Ajax for Enterprise Application Development – Conrad Damon 12:30pm-1:15pm: Keynote: Towards a Service-Oriented Applications Stack – Matt Quinn 1:30pm-3:00pm: Simplify Ajax development with Apache XAP – Bob Buffone 3:30pm-5:00pm: Ruining the User…

  • The Ajax Experience

    Well, it seems my application for one of the 5 scholarships to The Ajax Experience has gotten through! w00t! The Ajax Experience is: Ajaxian and NoFluffJustStuff Java Symposiums (NFJS) are pleased to announce The Ajax Experience 2006 Fall Edition – Boston. We had a great time at the spring event in San Francisco, so we…

  • Prototype Changes

    I found this article via Ajaxian regarding a nice block of Prototype updates. Shorter syntax for event handling Make destructive Element, Form, and Form.Element methods return their first argument, so that multiple calls can be chained together. The following methods now return their first argument: Element.toggle, Element.hide, Element.show, Element.remove, Element.update, Element.replace, Element.addClassName, Element.removeClassName, Element.observe, Element.stopObserving,…