Tag: oracle

  • Oracle 10g: Using The Returning Clause With ADOdb

    Plymouth State University uses Oracle heavily due to its Student Information System of choice – SungardHE Banner. As such, I play around in Oracle a lot (sometimes a lot more than I’d like) and I occasionally find functionality that seems more cumbersome than it should. One such item is selecting the last inserted value on…

  • Delete/Backspace Stops Working in Oracle SQLDeveloper

    I a huge fan of Oracle SQL Developer but I ran into an issue a while back that left me scratching my head and re-installing. The issue? Most key strokes other than letters and numbers failed to function. Yeah…no delete or backspace. When this issue happened a second time I did a little playing with…

  • Compiling Invalid Objects in PL/SQL

    While I do a lot of and prefer PHP and JavaScript development, my daily job has a darker side…PL/SQL. At times the packages that I oversee invalidate during upgrades or poor compilations of a package that ends up having a ripple effect. Here’s a query I wrote to find the invalid objects and generate compile…

  • Oracle’s Auto Incrementing with Sequences

    My previous post, titled: ‘Sequence-less/Trigger-less Oracle Auto Increment‘ was shot out of the water by my friend and DBA, Jon Emmons. Glad to see that I can be kept in line. So I have resigned to use Oracle Sequences as a safer means for auto incrementing. But that doesn’t mean that I like it. Here’s…

  • Sequence-less/Trigger-less Oracle Auto Increment

    Oracle sucks. Well, not totally, but it fails in a lot of places where MySQL is sexy. One little gem of an irritation is the lack of an auto_increment attribute associated with fields. Instead you have to make use of Oracle Sequences/Triggers which adds a whole layer of complexity on the creation and insertion into…