Tag: dom manipulation

  • Script.aculo.us 1.6.2 Released!

    Mir.aculo.us has announced the release of Script.aculo.us v1.6.2! This is primarily a bug fix, which is always a good thing. Here’s the change log: * Fix a problem in the drag and drop logic if an reverting/drag ending draggable was initialized for a new drag (for example by clicking repeatedly) for all cases where the…

  • Script.aculo.us v1.6 Released

    Great news over at Mir.aculo.us. It appears as if version 1.6 of my favorite DOM manipulation library, Script.aculo.us has been released! Thankfully the new version of Script.aculo.us uses Prototype v1.5. This is sexy because now I can revert to downloading both Prototype and Script.aculo.us right from the Script.aculo.us site. (Hooray for being lazy) Here’s an…