Firebug 0.4 Released. Can Web Development Be Any Sexier?

One of my must have extensions for firefox has a new version out! Firebug, if you don’t already know, is an Ajax/layout/javascript troubleshooter and is extremely well developed. In version 0.4, Firebug steps beyond the bounds of being a troubleshooter and can now be considered a full fledged debugger. Its new features include:

  • JavaScript Debugger
  • Stack Traces with JavaScript Errors
  • Debug JavaScript Errors
  • Logging levels and assertions
  • printf-like String formatting

For more info, check out the release notes!

(note: I found out about this on Ajaxian)


7 responses to “Firebug 0.4 Released. Can Web Development Be Any Sexier?”

  1. Thanks for everything! This program runs great for my company!

    Fan of Don Lapre
    [email protected]

  2. cool useful page

  3. Hello

    I can’t be bothered with anything these days, but shrug. I just don’t have anything to say recently.


  4. Yea, great program. Runs awesome.

  5. Avery useful page. it will greatly benifits the user of the site. Dubai web designer

  6. Great topic and good read. I have some new ideas to put in place. Many thanks!

  7. how do i download it??