Compiling Invalid Objects in PL/SQL

While I do a lot of and prefer PHP and JavaScript development, my daily job has a darker side…PL/SQL. At times the packages that I oversee invalidate during upgrades or poor compilations of a package that ends up having a ripple effect.

Here’s a query I wrote to find the invalid objects and generate compile statements to attempt to fix whatever is busted.

SELECT CASE object_type 
        'ALTER '||object_type||' '||owner||'.'||object_name||' COMPILE;'
        'ALTER PACKAGE '||owner||'.'||object_name||' COMPILE BODY;'
  FROM dba_objects
 WHERE status = 'INVALID' 


4 responses to “Compiling Invalid Objects in PL/SQL”

  1. I just thought I’d notify your readers that Solomon Yakobson, a topnotch DBA/developer, several years ago created a very powerful recompile utility that will recompile all invalid objects in dependency order. You can obtain that script from the recompile.sql file in the download at my PL/SQL Obsession site: – just click on the Trainings, Seminars, Presentations link and then click on


  2. huh? darker side? was wrong with pl/sql?

  3. @plsql lover

    I say darker side because I am a MUCH bigger fan of PHP than PL/SQL.

  4. @plsql lover
    I say darker side because I am a MUCH bigger fan of PHP than PL/SQL.

    @plsql lover
    I say darker side because I am a MUCH bigger fan of PHP than PL/SQL.

    @plsql lover
    I say darker side because I am a MUCH bigger fan of PHP than PL/SQL.

    @plsql lover
    I say darker side because I am a MUCH bigger fan of PHP than PL/SQL.

    @plsql lover
    I say darker side because I am a MUCH bigger fan of PHP than PL/SQL.

    @plsql lover
    I say darker side because I am a MUCH bigger fan of PHP than PL/SQL.

    @plsql lover
    I say darker side because I am a MUCH bigger fan of PHP than PL/SQL.

    huh? darker side? was wrong with pl/sql?