Why Paladin Names are Pink in Raids

Shortly after one of my friends created a video on a 10-Paladin instance run in Stratholme Dead, he asked the following:

Why did Blizzard make the paladin names pink in a raid, anyway?

For those curious, here’s the reason:

  1. Many Horde players hate Paladins because of Shield+Hearth
  2. Because of this, the Horde (and some jealous Alliance members) consider Paladins to be dinks.
  3. So Paladin could be written as: Paladink
  4. Another way to write ‘male’ is ‘lad’
  5. While referring to an individual Paladink male, you could refer to him as ‘a lad’
  6. Many male players like to play female characters, and most female players play female characters.
  7. Since many Paladinks are not male (lads), ‘a lad’ was dropped from the name
  8. Which gives us…: Pink

The color is simply equal to the class’ name.


17 responses to “Why Paladin Names are Pink in Raids”

  1. Then why the hell are Warrior names brown?
    And Rogues yellow?

    You make no sense, grow up and stop trying to justify everything, it just IS!

  2. So much anger. tsk tsk tsk.

    Everyone knows that warriors’ names are brown because they poop their pants and rogues are yellow because they’re chicken…they stealth and run.

  3. imba_pala Avatar

    In that pala dps movie in strat… whats the soundtrack ? – kinda sweet :P
    love the movie :P

  4. Guild Wars Superior Avatar
    Guild Wars Superior


  5. lasermonkey Avatar

    Perhaps his “justification” of coloring was meant as satire …
    I for one enjoy satire, and found it humorous, albeit very dry, almost british feeling, lol.

  6. ok this is just dumb
    you obviously dont play the awesome paladin
    and for the record
    imma dude and i play a MALE blood elf paladin
    imo they are the best class in the game
    they made the damn name pink because because u cant make it magenta, or turquoise
    your theory is retarded and u need to stop looking on the internet to help your feeble minded theories
    cuz it makes you sound like a 12 year old with no life

  7. @robert

    Your hatred for my satirical post is humorous. Thank you for making me laugh.

  8. I for one think this is hilarious and well thought out. grats to you, mr philosopher!

  9. that is quite possibly one of the funniest ways ive heard that explained…thx for the laugh man

  10. Oh yeah?

    Fuck your theory!

  11. For f*** sake, it was a JOKE… see it as one -_-

    Some people take Warcraft FAR to serious -_- he was making a funny joke… I found it highly amusing.

  12. Danimal Avatar

    I run a level 70 pally and love the dry humor approach to how the pink name came about :)
    It’s a game, it’s fun and it’s social. Gives us all a break from reality now and then as well as a littl relax time, so always welcome the chat forum humor as much as in game.

    Love the video, might have a run out there tonight for a giggle now:)

  13. nortonomar Avatar

    hey m8 i liked ur therory about the warrior and rougs :D i laughed …. but iam not angry about what u said about palas cause its not true like the warrior and rougs but u made me laugh with ur jokes thx for makin me laugh :P

  14. Pretty funny that the same people portraying themselves as horrendously illiterate to the point of illegibility are also completely incapable of appreciating the subtleties of humour. Call me arrogant or judgmental or whatever you want, but you aren’t exactly helping your case by posting all over this website like a blathering idiot. I didn’t even think the joke was disguised much at all. That making such a simple (and partially funny, by the way) joke somehow labels you as a ‘philosopher’ is both funny and highly disturbing. What the hell are we up against?

  15. Anonymous Avatar

    whats the song name?

  16. Please can you email me the notes.

  17. Becmister Avatar

    way way late, but @robert…You play a male toon, yet it’s a Belf…The most gay of all the races. Yay for justification?