Tag: rss

  • Pink Stang

    Alan Baker is getting a Mustang. Alan refuses to blog. PinkStang.com is his friends’ effort to create a blog on Alan Baker related topics in honor of him. PinkStang is simply an aggregation of blog posts tagged “Alan Baker”. This will give him a record of events relating to him on both a personal and…

  • Google Widgets

    In my recent post on Windows Live Gadgets I shot down Google because they hadn’t already created their own widget/gadget engine for creating hosted…well…widgets. It seems they were waiting because they could do it better. Today I found out through Slashdot that Google released their version. Their widget API is available here. At first glance…

  • MSN Start & Windows Live Gadgets

    MSN Start and Windows Live, which are competitors for Google/ig have jumped ahead of google and are now offering a repository for developers to create XML/javascript based ‘gadgets’! There are two types of gadgets. A remotely hosted gadget, where a site like MasterWish would create a gadget and make the URL to the gadget’s XML…

  • MasterWish WordPress Plugin

    I am pleased to announce the arrival of the MasterWish WordPress plugin! Anyone that has an account on MasterWish and runs a WordPress blog can aggregate their publicly viewable lists. For an example of how I have it set up, check here. Get the MasterWish WordPress plugin v1.1! Setup Instructions: Installing the Plugin: 1. Download…