Tag: laws

  • MMORPG Laws

    My pal Casey over at MaisonBisson.com has made a follow up post to my MMORPG Cheating post. I figured it warranted me making another post rather than simply replying to his blog. He writes: Matt says my attempts to analogize online roleplaying games to more familiar contests like chess or automobile racing are “just silly.”…

  • MMORPGs and Perception of Value

    I made a post a little while back that on MMORPG Cheating and received a very interesting and convincing argument from Gaming Freedom that I thought warranted another post. Basically, the previous post was to emphasize how MMORPGs should be taken a little bit more serious when it comes to its future and how they…

  • MMORPG Cheating

    My friend Casey over at MaisonBisson posted an article (Wide World of Video Games) where he shoots down the ideas of laws that are being built around MMORPGs and the reasons behind them. I don’t entirely agree with his statement: One argument is that these games occupy players time and cost money, so in-game theft…

  • World of Warcrack and the future of MMOGs

    [[innerindex]] I began gaming in the early 90’s. Looking back at what gaming was then compared to what it is today causes me to do a double take. Things have changed so much so fast. Of particular note is the Online Gaming industry. What started out as geek-only text-based fantasy games has morphed into a…