It is Official! Knights of the Old Republic MMORPG

KOTOR Exciting news! BioWare‘s secret MMO project has been unveiled and my hopes are being realized! Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic Massively Multi-Player Online Game is slated for release in 2009, and if all goes well, this MMO will deliver where Star Wars Galaxies failed.

BioWare has a track record of developing outstanding computer role-playing games including the recent XBox 360 game that took the world by storm, Mass Effect. That game company can weave a story that rivals the ability of Blizzard and I have high hopes that they will be able to deliver on this MMO. Only time will tell!


4 responses to “It is Official! Knights of the Old Republic MMORPG”

  1. […] bookmarks tagged role-playing game It is Official! Knights of the Old Republic MMORPG saved by 2 others     vidqueen567 bookmarked on 07/20/08 | […]

  2. Its Official! I’m going to have less and less money to throw around.

  3. Keep these games coming. Force Unleashed was fantastic, and I cannot get enough of Star Wars games.

  4. l3uzz K. Avatar
    l3uzz K.

    Does anyone have a specific mounth or even the date to the release of the new Knights of the Old Republic ! ? !